Unit 1
🔘 non - human 🔘 ecofeminism 🔘 the "CULTUS" exhibition
ecofeminismThe exhibition's mention of ecofeminism has sparked a new understanding of the dynamic relationship between the environment, technology, and human beings. I am contemplating the interplay between the technological components of 'MycoDea' and the social and ecological concerns while exploring potential modifications and further developing my work to align with these topics.
Upon observing the notable presence of interactivity and audience engagement in 'RE/SISTERS,' I have been prompted to reassess the importance of the interactive components in 'MycoDea.' I aim to investigate methods for improving the engagement between the viewers and the artwork, resulting in a deeper and more meaningful encounter and encouraging discussions on topics such as gender and ecology.
The 'RE/SISTERS' exhibition has provided me with a valuable experience, helping me better understand the position of my artwork within contemporary societal and cultural contexts. This experience has broadened my perspective and offered new insights and possibilities for the future development of 'MycoDea.'